I chose the light brown Cybele model, it really looked lovely for both lolita, hime, and mori.
Stock Photo
- Shipping/ Service/ Packaging
Every time I receive a wig via mail, I cringe at the sight of the parcel. It is always so slim that it seems the wig will never be as full as the reference picture makes it look. However, once again I was (thankfully) mistaken, and the wig was merely very well wrapped. Inside its cardboard box, it was neatly folded into a ziplock bag, and kept from tangling by the net.
Since Coscraft is based in England, the shipping rate was attractive (1£50) , and the speed as well. I needed this wig for the end of this week (surprise coming up!). I ordered Friday night, I believe, and it arrived this morning (because obviously the weekend was not working days).
I didn't have any reason to deal with service, so aside from the fact that it was quick and efficient, I can't judge much. That's enough for me to rate them 100% satisfying, though. Not having to deal with customer service means they were good right from the start!
- Product/ Price
Without flash |
With flash. See the difference? No? Thats 'cuz there's none. |
The price is also very competitive - 23£ (24£ on eBay) - as my Bodyline wig was approxiamtely the same price, but had additional shipping fees, and though I love it very much and it is neat, the fibers aren't nearly as fine. Thinking of it, where is that wig? It somehow disappeared... Guess I'll have to look for it behind my wardrobe or something...* Edit: Still can't find it! Aargh ><*
Sorry for the unedited photos, I just wanted to get this review up and avoid procrastinating |
I am so satisfied with this wig, and I am definitely going to purchase again from Coscraft. One thing though; I was careless about research, so I got mine from their eBay shop, which is slightly more expensive than their website, so I'll buy from them directly next time. I also noticed that Light in the Box sells wigs using the same reference photo, so I don't know what the deal is there, maybe someone investigated already... In any case, I recommend going for Coscraft rather than LitB.
I just mentioned a little surprise coming up; wait for it! I'm really looking forward to it on Friday and Sunday, and I'll make sure to keep you updated about it!
gif by creamiicandy