October 18, 2013

Lolita Blog Carnival: Your Favorite Theme Print

It couldn't be a coincidence that just as I set my heart on my new dream dress(es), this week's LBC prompt matched perfectly! So I will take this chance to expand on my new-found love: stained-glass prints!

There are so many reasons I love these: for one, they are prints that are both classical and elegant, without being food or animals. They also suit the gothic aesthetic while avoiding the usual tropes -not that those skulls or cemetery prints aren't lovely! It just renews it a bit - and doesn't  feature crosses, which I always find a bit out of place in fashion. They are also intricate without being overbearing, and just overall gorgeous!

Here are a few of my favorites:

Haenuli - Stained Glass of St Giles

Baby the Stars Shine Bright - Love Moon Princess Stained Glass

Moi-Même Moitié - Holy Stained Glass

Moi-Même Moitié - Stained Glass Print Chiffon OP

 Baroque -Abandoned Night

Alice and the Pirates - Gloria Stained Glass

Which one is your favorite? I would love to know! If I could stumble upo either Haenuli's or MMM's Chiffon Stained Glass, I would be delighted!

And find out what other prints lolitas love!

October 8, 2013

Practical Please! ~ Ribbon Board

This post was meant to be done last year - can you believe it?

I made this ribbon board last September, when I first moved in to my new student house. I had wanted to make a tutorial for it, even though I know there are a few out there already, to be part of my series of posts taking a practical approach to lolita.

We all know this fashion is unhandy at best, to downright quixotic (yes, one of my favorite words). So here is a little tip to both add a touch of lifestyle lolita to your room and help you organize yourself.

What you will need:
  • a cork tackboard
  • cute fabric - enough to cover the board and go around the edges
  • a similar amount of wadding
  • a spool of ribbon to match
  • map pins of a complementary color
  • stapler or thumbtacks
  •    lace 
  • superglue
Lay the wadding and fabric over the board. Pull the fabric over the edges smoothing out any wrinkles and use the thumbtacks or stapler to keep in place.

Evenly space out the ribbon so that it crisscrosses over the borad. Fix the ends to the fabric round the back using superglue.

At each intersection of the ribbon, push in a map pin to hold papers in place behind the ribbons. The wadding creates volume at this stage.

Superglue lace around the edges or everywhere you want and you are done!